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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Last hike and cleaning to go home

Arrion, Alex, Kaylee and Annette are on the road to Austin (2 days) today; Nancy and I are on our way to Iowa (2 days) today. But, there were some photos from last late afternoon that are worthy of sharing on a page; so, the story of the Utah trip continues.

My computer work station was by the west deck glass doors this trip. Sitting there, I saw 'flash' below and to the right... seemed like an animal. I stood up, and what did I see, peering in the window at me!

Isn't he cute?

Nancy and Janice had been on the phone earlier in the afternoon. When Janice returned a call, she asked to speak to Kaylee, first. Here is Kaylee intently chattering away with Janice... 3 or 4 minutes. She is 2 and 2/3 years old. What could they have been talking about??  ;-) Eventually, the phone die get to Nancy.  ;-)

Annette had one more 'treasure' hidden, with a map, for Alex to hike to and find. While they were out, it started to rain... didn't last too long, but we feared they might get wet. Here, we finally spotted them, way up higher than where the 'treasure' was hidden - Alex had wanted to do higher!

They are on the left, center, Annette  has bright blue shirt you can see. Click on photos to get a larger photo. They are actually close enough we could hear them - by yelling, just a bit...  ;-)

A little closer in, hard to see, but right in the middle; the one above is telephoto - this is more normal.

I am on the west deck, looking south and a little west. Annette can be spotted left of center.

Across the wash, now...

Coming out of the wash. P. S. they ducked under a little tree, and didn't get wet at all!  ;-)

Later on, after supper was done, Annette got out the industrial strength vac, and began the first stage of cleanup. Alex thought that looked like 'fun!'

Kaylee felt that she really should be supervising, of course!  ;-)

It was another very good day! ;-)

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