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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Long Holiday Weekend Catchup Day

We celebrated my birthday here in Utah, a couple of days late; but I enjoy spreading it out. Today, I'll share some photos from that, as well as a few other miscellaneous 'catchup' photos that didn't fit other stories.

As usual, we had an angel food cake...

Kaylee and Alex want to help blow out the candles; Annette is about to light them. Actually, when Annette lit the first one, Kaylee blew it out, immediately... I think that generated all the smiles.

The actual blowing out of the candles; seven for decades, plus one...  ;-)

One of the latest gifts - a new Dallas Cowboy t-shirt. It fit very nicely!  ;-)

Two of the books in one bag... some of my 'wish list' items...  ;-)

And, another book that I 'got' before it made the wish list... neat!  ;-)

Annette included party favors; Alex and I are seeing who is windy-est! A tie, I think!  ;-)

Ben and Arrion have hiked around the house property several times this week. Ten acres covers a good bit of mountainside - here I captured them in a photo in the woods.

They stopped up at the Wilson place, still under construction; workmen said it was fine to look around. Here, Ben checked out the interior.

Here, Arrion stood on the north deck - spectacular views; this is the north end of Thousand Lakes Mountain in the upper right.

It was another very good day - just had a very nice, short but sweet thunderstorm with gentle rain - nice and cool again this evening!  ;-)

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