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Sunday, July 4, 2010

More on the Torrey Parade for the 4th of July Weekend

Yesterday I promised to post more photos of the Apple Days Celebration we participated in for the 4th of July Weekend, on Saturday the 3rd, in Torrey, Utah. Here, Kaylee has her Junior Ranger hat on, getting ready to go into the parade.

After getting the wagon and Jeep into town, lining up, we had to put on the decorations (stars) and banners before getting underway.

During preparation, the excavating company that dug Annette and Larry's house foundation was right behind us.

Arrion and Alex are modeling the Star costumes the Arrion made (as we waited in line) - you saw this one yesterday.

Just about ready!

Larry, the driver of our float, getting in the Jeep, the banner for the Wayne County Business Association in place on this side.

Getting under way, wait, hurry ahead, stop, wait, ok, let's move out slowly, with other floats coming in from the side streets.

Smokey Bear on the National Forest Service truck pulled in right ahead of us.

Headed down the main road... Red Fire Engine behind us. Later a Yellow one was there...

As we continue west down Hwy 24, note the "scenic views" in the background as well as the good community folks sitting along the parade route enjoying the show.

We had a few bags of butter cream candy in star wrapper to throw out to the kids (and older folks) along the way. Various characters along the way, at intersections and otherwise.

The new local LDS church was right along the parade route, as well. More folks, also!

At the west end of the route, we go around the block, and return down Hwy 24 back to the originating point. On the back street, a few people chose to watch there. We had to wait a bit for the end of the parade to pass, before the front could go back on the route.

These were just a few highlights, won't bore you with more at this point.
After the parade was an Apple Pie eating contest, sponsored by Cafe Diablo in Torrey.
Here are the pies awaiting the contestants.

Have to show some eating...

Annette and Nancy got front row seats, Alex too.

After, it was lunch time. Arrion, Ben and the kids went down on Hwy 24 to Chills.
Nancy and I, followed by Annette and Larry, went to the BBQ in the pavilion behind the pie-eating contest...

Another very good day!  ;-)

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