Childhood Photos - 1944-45
Moving ahead, I’ve slid to ‘school-year’ periods. Some photos are dated, which helps. Others, I’ve made my best guess (may be a year or so off). Big thing I’m learning from these exercises is how normal my childhood really was… I was not really isolated on the farm. Our family did all sorts of things. I should have fully realized from Mom’s diaries, but I’m just now “getting it.” Live and learn!
First big change was that a brother, Jim, or Jimmie, at the time, arrived in April of 1944.
Again, I had a birthday angel food cake, that year…5 years old, 1 Jul 1944..
Click on photo to get larger image
After Kindergarten, June 1945 I assume, we had our first Vacation Bible School at the Star Church. Lots of familiar faces, even brother Jimmie on the shoulders of one of the Ford twins, just left of center, back row! Nancy and I are 2nd and 3rd from the left, side by side, for the first time in a photo. Donna Grim is on the left of Nancy, Kay McLaughlin to my right, then Charlotte Shirbroun. Roberta Ford behind Nancy. Moving right, Donna Gymer, Donna Ford, Ford twins, ??, DonnaBelle Shirbroun. Far right, Joan Bowman and Bob Bolger in overalls. Dave Thomas in sweater. Dwight Brown. Many others!! ;-)
Larry Johnson did a nice job of isolating us. Love this image!!! ;-)
Sorensen family gathering at Louise and Rasmus Nielsen home south of Bayard… kids lined up:
Jimmie, Judy, Billy, Marie, Darrell, Winona. 15 July 1945.
See you down the road… ;-)
Adorable photos!
Thank you. They are a pretty good group!! ;-)
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