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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Teenage Photos 1952-53 8th Grade-Part 2


Teenage Photos 1952-53 

8th Grade-Part 2

Scrapbook from Eighth Grade and High School
Source of photos and memorabilia in next several posts

The rest of these b&w photos were in the scrapbook - l0 in all, 5 here, 5 next time…
Random order…

Bunch of older guys by the west Gym door…
Three Seniors on left: Don Roberts, Jerry Simon, Bob Bolger. Two Freshmen on right: Gary Hilgenberg, Merlyn Seastrom

The rest of my 8th grade classroom… earlier photo had me at far right, last desk.

Here are: Marilyn Peterson, Jerry Scott, Ramona Palmer, Doug Drake up front. Behind him is Jon Crisman. Nancy Bolger just beyond Jon's head, Gary Hoover, far right, Larry Turner's back between Jon and Gary, it appears. Charlotte Shirbroun is behind and to left of Nancy. Gerald Palmer far back on right, between Larry and Gary.

Cousin Gary HIlgenberg by the west Gym door.

Jon Crisman (in front) and cousin Dennis Ford crossing street toward that West Gym door, from playground area.

Juanita Pierce and Nancy Bolger (in back) also along west side of schoolhouse.

…to be continued on Thursday…

See you down the road…  ;-)


Annette Lamb said...

It's amazing that you have high school photos like this!

Dr. Bill (William L.) Smith said...

I took Mom's camera to school one day. A dozen photos. 68 years later we get to relive those moments. Neat. Actually gets better with the slide camera, in high school, in the following years. But, these b&w are very special. For sure. ;-)