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Sunday, July 27, 2008

45 weeks to go...

I have a calendar marked at the office of the weeks until the end of my contract, and my retirement... not counting days, but counting weeks. Effective today, 45 weeks to go.

Over the weekend, we took a car-load of "stuff" to the cabin - kitchen stuff, mostly, this time. Some will go to Utah, some will stay in the cabin for us to use. Some will "disappear." Getting those kinds of things sorted, and moved, is a continuing challenge.

I also spent some time tending to the "wild-flower" bed in front of the cabin. Been a couple of months since I have had a chance. This was mostly trimming and thinning. Looked good afterwards, so must have done something right. Cleverly was out during the only hour the sun was shining... about 95 degrees... I was in the shade most of the time. We have a really nice big tree in front!

We made it home in good time, today, so it was a very good day! ;-)

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