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Monday, July 27, 2009

BIFF post corrections

Thanks to Larry for correcting a couple of errors in my BIFF story, yesterday. In my enthusiasm, I mixed up some parade information, for instance. Here is his statement:

Nice coverage of the BIFF. Couple of small corrections. This parade does not run both directions; rather it travels at near 50 mph (fastest parade in the U.S.) from Torrey to the Bicknell theatre. Both the July 4th Apple Days parade in Torrey and the County Fair parade in Loa do go both ways.

The parade lines up at sidestreet in Torrey, next to the Chuckwagon - - that is where Annette got chalked outline. Then at 7 p.m. the parade heads to Bicknell for the first movie of the festival. Lots of fun again this year.

Thanks, again, Larry.

It is another very good day! ;-)

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