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Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Drive up Old Fall River Road to the Alpine Visitor Center

A Drive up Old Fall River Road to the Alpine Visitor Center

We enjoyed a slow drive up the old Fall River gravel road in the Jeep this afternoon...

These are a few photos to get a feel for the trip up, rapidly, switchback after switchback.

I mostly sat in the back seat and took photos out the window. Annette got out a few times...

One of the times, I caught a little ground squirrel, right out my window>

A little further up, there was a nice babbling brook along the road. Background not bad, either!  ;-)

A big avalanche had taken out the trees a few years back, I assume.

We also saw a neat little marmot, having his lunch, right along side the road; on Nancy's side!

 I like to photograph Annette taking her photos...

Here was the area she was getting more closeup shots on...

As we approached the Alpine Visitor Center, I tried to get a photo or two - bald mountains, as well...
In this one, Annette was out looking across a meadow, behind her. Alpine is upper right, on ridge

This is a little closer... we've not been here with so little snow... that won't last much longer!

Notice the cross timbers of the roof of the Alpine Visitor Center, expecting 15-20 feet of snow for the winter.

Note: before posting these last couple of photos - we went out for Pizza Sunday night! Yummy!

It was another very good day!  ;-)

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