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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Visit from youngest brother, Paul

Visit from youngest brother, Paul

Another 'happy coincidence' of staying at the cabin for Thanksgiving this year: My youngest brother, Paul, who lives in Spicer, MN, whom we have not seen in over ten years, stopped by for a long visit. Paul is pictured, above, with Allison, who stopped by after work, and joined in the conversation.

Paul brought us up to date on his health, work and family issues. It was nice to get some of the details we had only heard in brief mentions, from time to time, talking to Barry and my other brothers.

Also, Paul's son, Brendan, recently got married to Vanny, so we got a few more details on that event, since it was a small, local event that we had only picked up on from Brendan's facebook page. Hopefully, we'll hear from Paul more frequently, now, with the recent changes in his life.

It has been an interesting week, to say the least.  ;-)

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