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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Whole family at Fun Spot on Saturday

Whole family at Fun Spot on Saturday

First, we had great pizza, in same building as the Family Fun Spot - across the parking lot from the Grand County complex... this building used to be a souvenir shop.

Then, Grandpa and Grandma 'watched' Kaylee play in the 'ball room' while Allison, Arrion and Alex went to play Lazr Tag - a great experience for them!

Kaylee's ballroom was two stories with lots of climbing, a slide, and more. She was constantly in motion, of course. She loves playing around other kids. There plenty.

That is her face in the window!

Barely caught her here, before she headed back up the stairs!

After a while, she was done with the ball room, and went on to other games... Arrion left me with a card to play them... she knew what was coming. I only was able to catch her on this one - actually making basket! She got many tickets here, and a few on other games.

When the guys finished Lazr Tag, we all got back together and the kids had ice cream, before we went home. They go home, tomorrow, on Sunday.

It was another neat day; a great week!  ;-)

1 comment:

Annette Lamb said...

Sounds like lots of fun!