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Thursday, October 8, 2020

Music Drama BB High School Activities


Music Drama BB High School Activities

I shared the main High School Music Activities on Monday.

Today is a mix of one-offs and my illustrious Basketball career… enjoy…

Meet Señor Bill from the Musical, 'Meet Arizona', Spring of 1954, Freshman year, along with classmate Larry Patrick. It was a small role but I did get to sing in a quartet:

Nancy was in the girls chorus and she was also a dancer. I know I have a photo of that and one with Larry Crimson but they haven’t shown up in recent searches, so we’ll be happy with these memories.

In Sophomore year we did three one-act plays for contest in the spring on 1955. Nancy and I played mother and son, Ma and Willie Joe, in “T’other Side of the Mountain’ in one of them:

I think Linda Pingrey played my sister, a Daisy Mae type character. Much fun!!

I'll share Junior and Senior Class Plays a bit later...

I didn’t get to play basketball my Freshman Year because I scheduled my classes so I would not be available for Football (a story for another day…). So, being behind a year, and not particularly good, I achieved my height in the sport as a Senior, as 6th Man, replaced after a couple of weeks or so by 'up and coming' Sophomores (per the coach). I believe the Year Book records that I scored 16 points in my Varsity Career (never played Jr. Varsity). But I sure looked good!!!

See you down the road…




Annette Lamb said...

I love all these photos! What fun memories.

TK said...

It looks like Willie Joe is brandishing my guns and holster... were they my Roy Rogers ones ? I'm wondering if I put up a fit for you to "borrow them"... Jim always just stole them to get me upset... hahahahaaaaaa....
Just a speculation... hahahahaaaaaa....

Dr. Bill (William L.) Smith said...

Thanks, Annette, I'm having a ball, as well... I hope that is ok! ;-)

Dr. Bill (William L.) Smith said...

Ah.... let me see, as an eleven-year-old, I went to KRNT Theater in Des Moines, in 1950, to see Roy Rogers and Trigger in person... when you were two. Now, were they originally mine, then yours, or.... yours... I have know idea. Great memories for each of us, in any event... Really appreciate your comments, every time you can. I know my memory for details is very poor. I have general memories only. Thank goodness for the photos to help remind us!