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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Oreo and Snow in Utah

Oreo and Snow in Utah

Two important events yesterday (Tuesday, I think)... I got a photo of Oreo in the daylight!

Oreo is a feral tom cat that 'adopted' Larry and Annette... the cat is nice to have around, to keep the population of ground squirrels (a bit of nuisance) under control. After some consideration, they borrowed a 'cat trap' - made a visit to the vet (now an 'it' and properly medicated). After a few days of 'thinking about it' - the cat Oreo seems to have decided to stay around. They have a protected 'house' for him on the porch, when he chooses to use it. They provide a little food, twice a day, and some water. He seems to have learned the routine. But, he is still VERY cautious. This one time is still, after nearly a full week, the only time I've seen him out in the open.

Late yesterday afternoon, here at over 7,000 feet on the side of the mountain... we had a nice snow flurry... for maybe twenty minutes. It was still about 42, so no sticking! Kinda' fun, that way! ;-)

We had a quite day, today! ;-)

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